Thursday 22 March 2012

Retin A Anti Ageing Cream To Get Glowing Youthful Skin

If you are looking for a miracle product that can give you that most elusive youthful looking flawless skin in a matter of a few weeks, you have come just at the right place. Your search for that ‘elixir of youth’ can be easily found in the wonderful vitamin A derived product retin A.

Retin A truly is that one and only anti ageing cream that comes out fair on its promise of delivering younger looking perfect skin in just a few weeks time. Basically, discovered some 30 years ago for acne treatment, retin A has showed marvelous results in smoothening the overall texture of the skin.
Retin A for acne treatment works at the cellular level to exfoliate the dead upper layer of the skin, cleaning out the skin pores of the clogged oil, dirt and impurities, thus revealing fresher smooth skin underneath. Retin A for acne treatment thus helps in clearing blackheads, whiteheads, clogged pores, large pores, blemishes, dark spots and pigmentation for clear smooth, smooth and glowing skin.
As retin A for wrinkles work at the molecular level of the skin to penetrate deeper into the skin layers so it can work on repairing collagen and elastin without causing any unwanted excessive drying, peeling and irritation of the skin. As an anti wrinkle cream, retin A, thus begin to repair wrinkles, fine lines, increase moisture and elasticity. The result is softer, smooth, glowing skin.
Retin A, anti wrinkle cream can thus be easily termed as a fountain of youth, which can effectively strip years off from your skin and face making you look and feel much younger. As retin A is derived from vitamin A it is completely safe to use. However, in the beginning of using retin A cream, you can feel some mild irritation and peeling of the skin, this is because your skin takes time to adjust to the new product. You should thus remain patient and consistent with the treatment as your skin begin to adjust to this wonderful anti ageing cream, you can begin to notice your skin transform into more youthful and glowing texture.

Retin A cream dosage for acne treatment and wrinkles is application of a pea sized amount on cleansed dry skin daily at bed time. Also, as retin A can make your skin sensitive to the effects of the sun, it is important to wear a high SPF sunscreen during daytime to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, during treatment with retin A.

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